Over the past decade, children have been exposed to violent video games, it has damaged their minds therefore these games should be banned. Young children aged 15 and under should not be allowed to engage or purchase violent video games. At such a critical age in life, teens and younger children are more emotionally and mentally effected. So if these children play violent games they are more likely to begin changing their personalities and attitudes. Not only do violent games affect children mentally but also physically. Video games can be quite addictive, resulting in young kids staying inside and playing games all day. This affects their health because they are not receiving any exercise or any socialization skills with other children. It is clearly shown that violent video games should be banned due to the fact that it is ruining young children’s well-being. Although, on the other hand, a child’s parent should be in control and make the decision if they want their children to play violent video games.
It is a parent’s right to expose or hide whatever they want
for their child and violent video games are something that should not be
hidden. Children are constantly in reach of watching explicit movies and
television shows, so why would video games be any different? Video games
stimulate a child’s mind, and games with a little bit of violence explains to
children that this is a part of reality. Studies have shown that violent video
games don’t affect a child’s well-being, it mainly releases their frustration
in a non-harmful way. In today’s society, children cannot be wrapped up in
cotton wool and always be protected. They need to be prepared for when they
become adults and videos games with some violence involved can prepare them.
Overall violent video games should not be banned because children with parental
consent should not miss out on something that entertains them, also it has no
harmful effect on them.
What entertainment could we possibly have then? If every violent thing is seen as bad, then there would be a massive change in civilization. People wouldn't want to change. I've been playing Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, and if it has taught me anything it is how to speak Italian and don't climb on Italian rooftops in the 15th century, or people will shoot tactical or lethal darts at you. Arrivederci.